Warmup #15
800 word challenge:
Write a scene in second person.
800 word challenge:
Write a scene in second person.
500 word challenge:
Write a single paragraph summary of your intended Nano. Then write a thirty-second sales pitch for it.
(Thanks, Wayzgoose!)
500 word challenge:
Write a fight scene.
500 word challenge:
Persuade me to buy a car.
500 word challenge:
Explain to a robot child where little robots and robettes come from.
500 word challenge:
Rewrite a song as a piece of prose (Ballads work well; Pop songs, not so well). Bonus points if someone else can recognize the song without you having to give it away.
500 word challenge:
Write a completely honest political speech.
500 word challenge:
Describe a mundane object as if you’ve never seen it before.
250 word challenge:
Walk out of your house, and start your personal jet pack.
(It’s the future — where’s my jet pack?)
250 word challenge:
Describe your favorite piece of furniture from when you were a child. For bonus points, use the point of view of a child.