Twitter Updates for 2010-01-01
- @scarywhitegirl Yay Black! He had always been a little clumsy, but I'm sorry he's turned into a special-needs kitten. =( in reply to scarywhitegirl #
- Waiting to board JFK-SEA. Increased security precautions? Not very increased. #
- Since when has 4-H been involved in science, engineering, and technology off the farm? I've never seen robotics at any 4H exhibits… #
- Glitch has forgiven my absence. He sat on my lap, whined until I put him down, stalked to the front door, and was waiting when I came back. #
- @bolthy Really? Wow. I would have rather joined 4H than Boy Scouts… don't they have girls? #
- @scarywhitegirl That news warms my little Black heart. #
Twitter Updates for 2009-12-31
- @pfqrst Whether or not it's safe, it's several varieties of awesome. Enjoy Paris! in reply to pfqrst #
Twitter Updates for 2009-12-29
- I was going to upgrade my parent's finicky Vista machine to Win7, but the DVD drive doesn't work. Upgrading to Win7 would fix this… #
Twitter Updates for 2009-12-25
- Poking around my parent's basement at years worth of my accumulated youth makes me feel incredibly nostalgic. And man my toys were awesome. #
Twitter Updates for 2009-12-23
- Still awake at 4am after Benadryl, a sleep mask, and a hot bath. What do I have to try next? #
- @Cytherea Sitting and staring at the ceiling. I added ear plugs, switched pillows, and turned the heat on; then I waited. Sleep came. #
- I think my napping 9 month old niece has the right idea… #
- On vacation for only 4 days, and they've already broken my component. Either I can't take a day off again, or they should take a few years. #
Twitter Updates for 2009-12-22
- Not sleeping on a redeye is an absolute waste of a day. #
- Why did Amazon raise the price on the Lego set I had decided to buy while I was off network for ten hours? #
- I just realized I can't remember when I started dating my first girlfriend. It doesn't matter in the slightest, but it still depresses me. #
- @cytherea @pfqrst I can get to fall 1996, but then… September, I think. It was a Friday… I need to look at a calendar. If I care. #
- Being lent a car that has an "Engine oil low" warning the first time you start it is not relaxing. #
- After crashing at the hotel for four hours, I feel hungover (I haven't had anything to drink), a little less tired, and I want to see Liza. #
- I'm apparently still tired enough that I confused @DarthParadox with darthvader. Maybe I shouldn't drive… #
- I can't remember what I bought from Amazon that's so heavy… #
- I'm ignoring work emails more than usual while on vacation to avoid ruining any semblance of a holiday mood. #
Twitter Updates for 2009-12-21
- I love traveling during the holidays! (Okay, or not.) #
- It took me almost an hour to progress from "This Diet Coke tastes funny" to "This Diet Coke is actually Sprite!" #
- We got the gate o the airport early enough today that they couldn't let us checkin when we first got here, and now my Sudafed has worn off. #
- …I think the autocomplete on this version of cetwit might hate me. Let's pretend that last post was coherent, hmm? #