Warmup #15
800 word challenge:
Write a scene in second person.
800 word challenge:
Write a scene in second person.
500 word challenge:
Write a single paragraph summary of your intended Nano. Then write a thirty-second sales pitch for it.
(Thanks, Wayzgoose!)
500 word challenge:
Write a fight scene.
500 word challenge:
Persuade me to buy a car.
Welcome to this year’s annual installation of “What should I write for Nano?”
Last year I mostly finished To Kill a Goddess, in which a ne’er-do-well is blackmailed into killing his own mother — where the blackmailer is Ares, and the mother is Eris, and the ne’er-do-well is from Las Vegas. Genies, vampires, dragons, leprechauns — and it’s not a comedy.
This year, well, I don’t have as solid a plan as I did when I decided on that plotline.
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500 word challenge:
Explain to a robot child where little robots and robettes come from.
Meet Dragon.
Dragon is adorable, but I don’t know that I want to keep him. One more cat? Do we really need another?
500 word challenge:
Rewrite a song as a piece of prose (Ballads work well; Pop songs, not so well). Bonus points if someone else can recognize the song without you having to give it away.
Nothing to do with the Fruit Tax, or Mac OS X, or anything else that’s remotely arguable.
The thermodynamic properties of the lovely aluminum cases that the MacBook comes in must be ungodly cold after walking around in this weather. Who wants to type ON the cold?
500 word challenge:
Write a completely honest political speech.