Category Archives: Living


It’s what I do some days

Babylon 5 Revisited

The show is still as stilted and contrived as I remember, but from the perspective of someone who’s read “If Chins Could Kill” multiple times, I do appreciate the fact that major characters who were around for a season or two are consistently brought back in major roles. The sense of continuity is fairly impressive.

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Work style

I’ve heard tell of this thing called “work style,” or some such — that people have different methods of completing their tasks that work for them. My way of working is to sit in an office, with the lights dimmed as much as possible and yet still on, the door closed, and the shades drawn.

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New house!

So I’ve been absent for over a month, now. I’ve been busy. Short version: Mandrina and I closed on our new house (see an old picture, above), on March 27, 2006. As of today, we’re more or less moved in. The long version includes such side quests as “Nightmare Electrician: Upgrading the Electrical in a

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