Should we keep him?
Meet Dragon. 167 Dragon is adorable, but I don’t know that I want to keep him. One more cat? Do we really need another?
It’s what I do some days
Meet Dragon. 167 Dragon is adorable, but I don’t know that I want to keep him. One more cat? Do we really need another?
Nothing to do with the Fruit Tax, or Mac OS X, or anything else that’s remotely arguable. The thermodynamic properties of the lovely aluminum cases that the MacBook comes in must be ungodly cold after walking around in this weather. Who wants to type ON the cold?
I’ve come up with an easy way to decide whether or not to vote for an incumbent in any congressional election this cycle. Here are a pair of links: House Roll Call Vote on “Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008” Senate Roll Call Vote on “A bill to provide authority for the Federal Government to
“To help struggling homeowners, the plan requires the government to try renegotiating the bad mortgages it acquires with the aim of lowering borrowers’ monthly payments so they can keep their homes.” Deal reached on financial markets bailout Obviously, I should have gotten a highly suspect mortgage two years ago, rather than actually reading the fine
What a surprise! Except, not. You are a Social Liberal (60% permissive)and an… Economic Conservative (61% permissive)You are best described as a: Centrist Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid Also : The OkCupid Dating Persona Test
That’ll be all, ye scurvy scoundrel!
I’ve recently (finally) burned the majority of my pictures to backup DVDs. I kept the ones that were halfway decent or better, but I have some that are utterly unnecessary to keep. Unfortunately, that meant I needed someplace to put twenty archive DVDs. I don’t have cases handy (working on it, believe me), but in
Hello, Toby. =]
So after a coworker came in today to tell me how dreadful this year’s budget for raises and bonuses is, my lead followed me out of the standup meeting where I had just given him a hard time to tell me he wanted to finish one review before the end of the day. Mind you,
I made a mistake yesterday. I bought some yogurt, and only noticed that it was the cheapest kind. After the fact, I noticed I had bought “Light” Yogurt. I can deal with that, not a problem. Then I went to have one this morning. Took a single taste, and instantly recoiled. Checked the ingredients list,