Category Archives: Office


Work. It’s what I do. It’s what brought about that “Office Monkey” thing (that’s a LONG story. Okay, a reasonably short one, but still.). I work in an Office, so it makes sense to me, okay, bub?

KNOCK, damnit!

Over this past weekend, I bought four pounds of M&Ms. I couldn’t find the dark chocolate ones, and I wasn’t about to sacrifice the one dark chocolate bag I have at home, so I settled for the kinds I like, peanut and mostly chocolate. Mind you, I’m not actually allowed to eat any of them

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Work Mistake

Well, I’m a complete and utter idiot. The word “Fuck up” (pardon my English expletives) comes to mind. I screwed up with work last night. I don’t even have a good excuse — I got a bit distracted. It doesn’t help, though. Probably the worst mistake I’ve made at work. It isn’t insurmountable, I hope,

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Babylon 5 Revisited

The show is still as stilted and contrived as I remember, but from the perspective of someone who’s read “If Chins Could Kill” multiple times, I do appreciate the fact that major characters who were around for a season or two are consistently brought back in major roles. The sense of continuity is fairly impressive.

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Work style

I’ve heard tell of this thing called “work style,” or some such — that people have different methods of completing their tasks that work for them. My way of working is to sit in an office, with the lights dimmed as much as possible and yet still on, the door closed, and the shades drawn.

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The Timeline of DOOM!!!

This tells me something may be wrong with my work situation: 7:30am – Wakeup to alarm clock. 8:00am – Leave to get estimate for electrical work on new house(!! — I’ll post about it later. :)) 8:35am – Wonder where electrician is. 8:40am – Call and find out that electrician didn’t actually schedule estimate. 8:45am

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Work bit…

My current assignment at work is to code review a component of Office. code review – To read through every line of source code and examine it for potential security risks. This is even more boring than it sounds, but everyone has to do this around me as well, so it’s shared misery. Not halved,

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Solution to being bored at work…

When you have real work you HAVE to do… Calorie packing. I haven’t been sleeping really well the last few nights, so having a private office is like an invitation to napville. Instead, I’m alternating “power naps” with calories. Chicken Noodle Soup Cup of Soups currently. I need more sleep.

Never open your mouth at work, Part II

So following on yesterday’s “What am I getting myself into?”, I had a meeting yesterday evening, during which results of some performance investigation I did last week were discussed. Everyone was very surprised by the results — despite my having posted all the results last week for everyone to see — including a summary. So

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