Twitter Updates for 2009-10-02
#todaysrun 5k // 24:19 #
Nothing to see here, move along…
#todaysrun 5k // 24:19 #
#todaysrun 2k//9:31 — but my knee didn't hurt afterwards! Getting sick may have been a good thing, after all. #
WOW. Finding iNudge while half-asleep doesn't make it any more or less awesome. Check it out: #inudge #
Question I just asked myself: "When did I go to Oktoberfest last year?" Answer: "October." # Please RT: Don't let the world forget who you are. #memoirs #RemembersWhen (I'm late, sue me.) #
Traded-in Clunkers were killed by replacing the oil with sodium silicate, which turned to GLASS inside the engine? AWESOME! # @pfqrst Practice. Lots, and LOTS of practice. #
I don't know how to update my resume now that I've been at the same company for seven years. One entry per team rather than company? #
@drhorrible Congratulations! #
@pfqrst I'm pretty sure I don't know the guy. Maybe he's also in the Seattle network? # I just bought a 12-cell battery for my laptop. Bonus purchase number 3 (after Wii Sports Resort and new Compact Flash cards). #
Who decided they should make harddrives rotating at 5900 RPM? Whatever happened to 10k, 7200, and 5400? # "——- hasn't gotten thrown out of a game yet this year." – Most exciting observation in a baseball game. (Nothing actually happened.) #
#todaysrun 5k // 25:19 # @pfqrst @cytherea Today, it must. Other days, you shouldn't trust the Fourbucks… but now I'm somewhat jealous that I don't drink coffee.[= # Going out to dinner while feeling ill will surely be good for my diet. # @pfqrst I'm too old for Power Rangers. =] Happy Birthday! (I'm going