Category Archives: Day-to-Day


Nothing to see here, move along…

Twitter Updates for 2009-01-27

I’m not going to waste my time, but you should feel free to waste yours. # Expect your coworkers to be intelligent and to succeed on their own, or hand-hold them and prevent them from developing self-sufficiency? # Hand-feeding little one pound kitten RCA: absolutely precious. Hand-feeding little one-and-a-half pound kitten Mo: painful and bloody.

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Twitter Updates for 2009-01-23

I probably shouldn’t use whether my ID works as proof of my continued employment. # It turns out that if your work email is lagged by over three hours, you miss out on a lot. # gci -r | ? { ! $_.Mode.Contains(‘d’) -and !$_.Mode.Contains(‘r’) } Returns a list of non-directory/non-read-only files. #powershell # Most

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