Twitter Updates for 2009-03-07
Why does my hot chocolate have a faint but detectable flavor of coffee? # Mars, Incorporated, also makes dog food. That was an unexpected discovery… #
Nothing to see here, move along…
Why does my hot chocolate have a faint but detectable flavor of coffee? # Mars, Incorporated, also makes dog food. That was an unexpected discovery… #
@doctorow Brilliant 6 word story! # Just heard a radio spot for Dollhouse: Whedon needs to partner with someone other than Fox. The clips & comments made me not want to watch. #
Tomorrow, I get to tell my manager what I want to be when I grow up. #
@xenijardin Time to short some stocks. #
VB.Net is a miserible language to type — I hate it with help from the IDE, and I can’t imagine doing it by hand. Give me curly braces! #
I love that Microsoft is sponsoring Mythbusters. Yay us! #
@wayzgoose I’m certain you can come up with a better ending than Mr. van Lustbader did with that story. #
Three hours later, and my taxes are done. What a way to spend a Saturday night. # There’s a website “Is your cat trying to kill you?” It provides simple hints as to what a cat’s behavior truly means. Here’s a hint: yes. #
Braid may be $15 and DRM free, but the lead dev can’t write clean code. #
Just copied over and compiled an existing project. 1884 errors. I may have made a mistake somewhere… # At Staples: Them: “You need to go to a paper store for that.” Me: “I thought this was an office supply store.” T: “It is, just not paper.” ? #