Warmup #11
500 word challenge: Explain to a robot child where little robots and robettes come from.
Posts on being creative, inventive, or just plain irritatin’.
500 word challenge: Explain to a robot child where little robots and robettes come from.
500 word challenge: Rewrite a song as a piece of prose (Ballads work well; Pop songs, not so well). Bonus points if someone else can recognize the song without you having to give it away.
500 word challenge: Write a completely honest political speech.
500 word challenge: Describe a mundane object as if you’ve never seen it before.
250 word challenge: Walk out of your house, and start your personal jet pack. (It’s the future — where’s my jet pack?)
250 word challenge: Describe your favorite piece of furniture from when you were a child. For bonus points, use the point of view of a child.
250 word challenge: Write a conversation in which a student known to be lazy explains to his teacher why he (or she) didn’t do his homework. “My dog ate it” doesn’t suffice.
250 word challenge: Write a looping piece. Think “There’s a Hole in the Bucket” or “Third Rock from the Sun” (I’ve never heard of it, either).
250 word challenge: The punch line is: “The Aristocats!” (No, that’s not a typographical error.) Tell us the joke.
250 word challenge: Anthropomorphize your writing implement. Tell about him writing what you’re writing.